Enfj personality type
Enfj personality type

enfj personality type

Feeling people try to make the best decision in every situation by considering the people and perspectives involved.ĮNFJs have a strong desire to help others and to make the world a better place, and their charisma helps them attract people who feel the same way. The F in ENFJ stands for feeling, which describes your preferred decision-making method. They focus on the future and sometimes remember the past as ideas and impressions rather than in concrete detail. They prefer to think problems through and imagine many possible outcomes, even if their theories aren’t always immediately useful. Intuitive people notice patterns, theories, and symbols and are comfortable thinking in abstractions and considering possibilities. The N in ENFJ stands for iNtuition, which indicates the kind of information that is most meaningful for you. They better understand problems by talking them through with others and often work best in groups and teams. They like making things happen and moving things from theory into action.

enfj personality type

Extroverts gain energy from active involvement with people and events and get excited by being around others. The E in ENFJ stands for extroversion, which indicates where you put your attention and where you gain your energy. Their system proved so popular and intuitive that many current personality theories continue to use their 4-scale system, so acronyms like “ENFJ” are used in several personality type systems. The 16 personality type system was first developed by American writers Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers, who invented the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) system in the 1960s.

Enfj personality type